I as many of you maybe noticed was waiting school a lot but the ugly truth is that school is boring. It has always been. It will always be . It just is.

Good thing about school is that I meet new people. Bad news about school is that people don't seem to have any interest in talking with me. Ok. That's maybe not true but I feel that they are less interested in me than in the other exchange students. However I remember what advice I give to those of my friends that complain that they don't have friends:" Talk to people. If someone is not interested in being your friend find some other people." So I took my own advice and started to talk with one girl and guess what, I think she cares about what I have to say.

I also talked with one boy since the teacher made us a couple for the oral test. I have no idea why I was nervous of a oral test because I speak English all the time. Really when I got started it went really well. Btw I must say that I am extremely happy and suprised that we have a native speaker as our teacher. Best part is that we can swear and talk in the lessons but only in English. Oh, how hard that is for me. >:) And if you say something in Spanish you will have to write 200 times on the board "I will not speak Spanish in the English lessons".

I really like my exchange student friend in the same class and I like this girl that is our friend but I always feel like the 3rd wheel when we all three are together.  These girls have so much in common and they don't seem that interested in what I have to say so I think I will only hurt myself if I continue just being with them.

The school begins always at 7 o'clock. :( It's is so early because I'm used to the Finnish system. I have to wake up at 6 o'clock... or earlier. :(((( I want to sleep.

Anyways. I am happy that now I have a cellphone. I didn't have one on my first school day though. My mom didn't come to pick me up. I waited 50 minutes. I could have taken a taxi because I have money and I know my address but all taxis are really not safe here. I almost started to cry when I talked to the gate guard everybody else had already been picked up. Finally my mom came.  She thought that the school ended later than it did. That made me feel quite bad though it's understandable. She also came quite late yesterday and today but it's ok. I am not sad anymore when I'm waiting. I always just speak with the gateguard. He's a old kind-looking man who doesn't get tired of speaking Spanish with me even though he has to repeat the same thing many times before I understand and I answer in really bad Spanish.