I changed class room. As maybe some of you know I wasn't having exactly great time at school. Finally I was exhausted in the whole situation. I told my school, I told my host parents and on Monday I even told to the Rotary. They all took my words seriously and Rotary promised to see me on Tuesday to talk about changing school.

Suprisingly everything was fixed before I even met Rotary. On Tuesday I was sitting and listening to my new dear ipod touch (my little baby, darling, honey, I love you darling)((I don't love nonhuman objects like cellphones and ipods... never)) When a teacher came and asked me and the other exchange students to come to have a talk.

I was a litle worried because I first thought that it would be something bad because one girl has really been making some problems for us but it wasn't that. They told us that they were really sorry about the situation in our class room and apologized. They also asked if we wanted to change class. Of course we said yes. I was really suprised when I heard that actually the people from the other class room had suggested that we should join their class. That made me smile.

We took our stuff from our former class room and went to the next one. It is unbelievable how the social atmosphere can change so completely in just 10 meters. In our old class nobody talked with us and now everybody where talking with us and everybody were happier and more relaxed than in the other cla