My time here in Mexico has been flying. I don´t know how it happened but it seems that I have under 2 moths left here. I don´t know if my life has become perfect here or do I just appreciate it more now that I am supposed to leave. I could easily  imagine staying here in Mexico and going to Finland just for holidays, still somehow I know that I also need to see all the people from Finland that I have been missing so much.

The truth is that exchange year is a bad idea if you want to keep your heart in one piece, first you miss everyone from your country and when you are supposed to go you spend the nights nearly crying as you chat with your new friends that you are supposed to leave without knowing when you are coming back. Still if I´m asked would I do all this again, I would say HELL YEAH!

During this year I have made new friendships, with Mexicans as well as exchange students from many different countries. I hope they will last even when I am far away and I know I have a place where I can eat and sleep for a night almost anywhere on this planet. I have experienced and seen things that I never believed to be possible.

I have learnt to speak Spanish, and I am even thinking in Spanish is this very moment. Still I think that I have learnt something even more important than Spanish. I have learnt many things about myself, I have seen how good people can be, unfortunately I have also seen that all people are not good. I have learnt how small this world is, and that everybody are alike, even though we are also different and we have our cultures that are not better or worse but just different from each others.

I have felt what it is like to be a part of many different families. In Finland I did not think that I would really think them as my family but at least some of my families I can call my family and I know that if some day I would come to their doors without money and feeling sad they would let me in and take care of me. 

Really I could go on forever about the wonders I have experienced here but really I just wanted to write that I am visiting Puebla so maybe I should write about that too.

I have now spent about 2 weeks traveling and I am going back to Coatza next Sunday. Now I´m in Puebla and I am staying in the family of the exchange student that lived in my family in Finland. Every thing that I can say that they are AWESOME. I want them to adopt me. :D The parents are so sweet, kind and cool, my brothers are cool and funny. They have taken me to see many cool places. Honestly I can say that seldom come along with people as well as with this family. They invited me to come back here before I´m going to Finland but I still have to talk about it with my parents of Coatza. I hope that I could come. Puebla is just so pretty.

ps. 18.6 is my birthday. I will have a party and I hope that all my friends from the school and the exchange students will show up. I think it will also be my ¨bye bye party¨ like my friend from Taiwan expressed it.